Monday, August 11, 2008

Why I love Showers!!!!

Well I just got home yesterday from a 4 day adventure with Henry. We went to my family reunion (for the Williams's), down in southern Alberta, near the mountains and Pincher Creek. My husband Justin had to work this weekend so therefore my Aunt Moana kidnapped Henry and I and we went down with her. Thankfully we didn't have to tent it. We stayed with my parents in their camper. That is the only way to camping with a baby.

Because we were gone four days and were in the middle of no where, we both went 4 days without any baths/showers. Therefore we came home very stinky of camp fire and other odours. I felt so bad for Justin. Due to the odours we had, Henry and me had a very nice warm shower and got ride of all our outdoor scents. It was such a nice shower, how I love and missed my shower.

Anyways it was alot of fun. We went horse back riding and walking in the river near by. It was really nice to spend time with family. Here is a picture of Henry and James (cousin) riding the horses.

We got home last night to find out that one of my dearest friends had her baby while we were gone. Alivia Saige James was born to Pamela and Travis on Friday August 8, 2008, at around 1 AM. We went and meet her today. Henry really likes her and their dog Monty. Henry even gave Olivia kiss's. Olivia is such a cutie. We hope all the best to them. Here are some pictures of Henry and Olivia.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I LOVE this pic!! Too cute. I'll have to make a scrapbook page called First Kiss!!

ps...her name is spelt Alivia Saige, just to make it difficult!!